
In 1959, 路易斯安那州立法机关授权建立可靠的网赌平台作为一个两年制的通勤学院 governance of the LSU Board of Supervisors. 可靠的网赌平台 registered its first students in September of 1960. 一级 护理学副学士学位,于1964年在护理学部开办.

The additional academic divisions of Liberal Arts, Business Administration, and Sciences were created in 1967. In 1974, 可靠的网赌平台获得了南方学院和学校协会(SACSCOC)学院委员会的认可 award associate degrees. This accreditation was reaffirmed in 1984, 1994, and 2004.

Only one associate degree was available at 可靠的网赌平台 from 1964 to March 1986, when the Associate of Arts and Associate of Science transfer degrees were approved. Over the next 15 years, several associate degree and certificate programs were added that the university continues to offer including:

  • Associate of Science in Clinical Laboratory Science (1996)
  • Associate of Arts in The Care and Development of Young Children (Spring 2001)
  • Certificate in Pharmacy Technology (Spring 2001)
  • Associate of Science in Radiologic Technology (Fall 2001)

From 1976 through Spring 2003, Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical 大学 offered the 通过LSU Senior计划,为LSU校园内选定的学士学位课程提供高级课程 大学. 最初, 设有工商管理理学士学位及通识学士学位. The Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education was added in 1982-83.

CHRISTUS圣. 弗朗西斯·卡布里尼承诺为可靠的网赌平台护理毕业生提供100万美元的学术支持和学费报销

Feb 27, 2024, 15:44 PM

亚历山大港——这是一项重要的举措,旨在培养当地人才,解决对医疗保健专业人员的迫切需求, CHRISTUS圣. 弗朗西斯·卡布里尼医院宣布与亚历山大的路易斯安那州立大学(可靠的网赌平台)合作启动一个队列项目。. 该计划旨在通过提供独家访问,授权和帮助学生追求护理事业, comprehensive training, and financial support throughout their academic journey.


The Cohort Program offers a range of benefits to eligible 可靠的网赌平台 Nursing students, including exclusive training sessions, certification preparation, and access to specialized resources. 另外, Cabrini will cover the tuition and fees for all collegiate courses at 可靠的网赌平台, offering financial assistance of up to $25,每名学生000. 最令人印象深刻, 卡布里尼保证所有成功毕业于可靠的网赌平台护理学院并通过执照考试的队列成员立即就业.


Monte Wilson, CEO of CHRISTUS圣. Frances Cabrini Hospital, 解释, “国家医护人员短缺威胁到我们社区的生存能力. CHRISTUS圣. 弗朗西斯卡布里尼医院很高兴与可靠的网赌平台合作,建立强大的高质量护理和联合健康学生管道,不受学费的阻碍.”


该计划每学期最多支持10名已被可靠的网赌平台护理计划录取或正在进入可靠的网赌平台护理诊所的学生. Exclusive training opportunities include group NCLEX preparation classes, hands-on clinical practice simulations, specialized boot camps, job shadowing experiences, and early access to scheduling interviews. These tailored resources are designed to equip cohort members with the skills, 知识, 而信心需要在护理教育中脱颖而出,并无缝过渡到医疗保健队伍.


专为有资格获得联邦佩尔助学金的护理学院录取的可靠的网赌平台学生设计, 队列计划为来自不同背景的有抱负的护士提供了一个包容性和可访问的途径. The initial funding package, 总计1美元,000,000, 强调Cabrini致力于支持可靠的网赌平台加强当地医疗保健劳动力的努力. 展望未来, 卡布里尼的领导旨在扩大资金,以确保该计划的长期可持续性和成功.


“今天是路易斯安那州中部护理人员未来的关键时刻, as we join forces with CHRISTUS圣. Frances Cabrini Hospital in a partnership bolstered by a $1,000,000 commitment to our nursing students,杰夫·兰斯顿说, 可靠的网赌平台 Dean of the 大学 of Health and Human 服务. “这种合作对于解决路易斯安那州护理人员短缺的问题至关重要, 确保护理学校成为我们地区更多人的切实机会. Our gratitude extends to Monte Wilson, Dr. 保罗Coreil, 以及我们在卡布里尼基金会的合作伙伴,感谢他们坚定不移的支持和合作,正面应对这一挑战."


卡布里尼队列和有关的资金支助是圣. 弗朗西斯卡布里尼医院到可靠的网赌平台解决该地区医疗保健专业人员短缺的更广泛的使命. This collaborative effort, 与此同时,可靠的网赌平台在亚历山大市中心开发了一个最先进的健康教育校园, 反映了可靠的网赌平台的坚定承诺,以改变医疗保健景观和促进路易斯安那州中部社区更健康的未来.


有关可靠的网赌平台护理学院及其学术课程的更多信息,请访问 vcqbcj.volamdolong.com/nursing.


6月5日, 2001, 经路易斯安那州立大学监事会和路易斯安那州 评议, 路易斯安那州立法机关通过了立法(参议院853号法案),允许路易斯安那州立大学 Alexandria to offer baccalaureate degrees. In December 2002, SACSCOC approved a substantive change request from 可靠的网赌平台, 从而认证该大学授予副学士学位和学士学位.

2003年秋季,可靠的网赌平台重组为学院和系,而不是分部. The 大学 of Arts and Sciences is comprised of the departments of Arts, 英语 and Humanities; Behavioral and Social Sciences; Biological Sciences; and Mathematics and Physical Sciences. The 大学 of Professional Studies is comprised of the departments of Allied Health, Business Administration, Education, and Nursing.

可靠的网赌平台于2003年秋季开始提供四个学士学位:生物学学士学位, 一般学士 研究、基础教育理学士和通识学学士. Because there were students at 可靠的网赌平台 who had completed upper-level course work through LSU Senior 大学, 可靠的网赌平台 produced its first bachelor's degree graduates in December 2003.

A Bachelor of Science in Psychology, approved by the LSU Board of Supervisors in March 2005, and a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, approved by the LSU Board in June 2006, are now offered. In 2008 the university began offering Bachelor of Arts degrees in 英语, 沟通研究, 和历史, along with Bachelor of Science degrees in Business Administration, Criminal Justice, and Nursing.

除了教育部门提供的课程,导致艺术副学士的关怀和 幼儿发展与基础教育理学学士, courses are offered for alternative certification in the following areas: Elementary Education, Grades 1-5; Health and Physical Education, Grades K-12; and 中学教育,6-12年级,学习生物、英语、历史和数学. 主修 生物学, 英语, 历史, 或数学可以宣布中等教育作为这些研究领域的辅修课程, 收入 certification to teach that subject in Grades 6-12. Add-on certifications are available for Early Childhood Education (PK-3) and Special Education in area of existing certification(s).

奥克斯是该校的第一个学生公寓,于2007年秋季开放. The complex, which includes four apartment buildings and a community center.

2007年1月,可靠的网赌平台聘请了第一位体育主管,并开始参加NAIA男子棒球和女子棒球比赛 fast-pitch softball in Spring 2008. 2010年1月,可靠的网赌平台的新校园棒垒球综合体在洛杉矶揭幕 opening day dedication and ribbon-cutting ceremony. The complex is located on the north side of campus adjacent to the 健身中心和特色座位从巴吞鲁日校园著名的亚历克斯盒子体育场转移.

2014年,可靠的网赌平台增加了五项运动,包括男女篮球、足球队和女子网球. 可靠的网赌平台 joined the Red River Athletic Conference in 2014. The RRAC includes Bacone 大学 (Okla.), Huston-Tilloston University (Texas), Jarvis Christian 大学 (Texas), Langston University (Okla.), LSU-Shreveport, Our Lady of the Lake University (Texas), Paul Quinn 大学 (Texas), Texas 大学, University of St. Thomas (Texas), University of Texas-Brownsville, 西南大学(新墨西哥州)和威利学院(德克萨斯州).

The university’s newest building, Mulder Hall, was opened in August 2011. The building is a 70,000 square-foot facility that provides 18 classrooms, 4 academic department office suites, 52个教员办公室, 2间会议室, 一台电脑 实验室和写作实验室, a painting and drawing studio, 陶瓷工作室, 摄影套间, and a black box theater 可容纳175人.
